Monday, April 1, 2013

High Risk Fresh Start

Even though I've been absolutely lousy at posting daily for NaBloPoMo on BlogHer the last couple of months, and will continue to spend a lot of my computer time job hunting and trying to get to Seattle, I decided to sign up for the April edition.  And I was happy to find that the theme, fresh, goes well not only with the start of Spring, but with the choices I've made recently.  After all, moving to a new city is a damn fresh start.  I'm also left with no choice but to do some Spring cleaning while I pack.   From the April 2013 Blogroll on BlogHer:
Spring is here in the Northern Hemisphere, which brings with it a fresh start for nature. Many people use this time to create a fresh start for themselves too, taking on new projects and cleaning up old spaces. How are you going to make the things in your life -- including blogging -- fresh and interesting this year?
I took a brief hiatus from packing last month.  The month of April will see me packing up everything I can.  It also means going into the garage and reorganizing what I've already packed - there may be a whole anal-retentive post about that.  In the meantime...

It's official, there are not enough Utilikilts roaming around where I currently live.


  1. I hope packing doesn't stress you out to much. How exciting it must be to move to a new city!

    1. It's not my idea of a good time, but I've done it so much that it really shouldn't be too stressful. Moving to a new place - exciting, but also a bit scary!


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