Saturday, January 19, 2013

Day 19: I Can't Believe I've Made It This Far...

Astounding.  Shocking.  Stunning.  All in a good way.  I've actually managed to post everyday for 18 (now 19) days.  I think I had convinced myself that I would run out of things to write about.  Which is's not like you run out of things to think about or talk about with friends or that life isn't chock full of interesting things, if only you'll take the time to look around once in awhile.

Here's the other thing (for me, personally)...  I do more when I'm writing regularly.  I get more errands and chores done.  I cook more.  I crochet more.  I think more about how to move forward in life, in general.  Writing helps me get centered.  It organizes my brain, compartmentalizing all the crap that doesn't need to be at the forefront, letting me get to the good stuff.  And it's as simple as showing up at the page every day.  Why do we try to complicate such a simple thing?

Check back with me in a month...


  1. Congrats on 19 days!!! It's a GREAT feeling, isn't it? I started blogging again in the middle of October. In November I decided to see if I could blog every day. I did. :)

    I took a few days off for the Christmas holiday, but came right back to it. Now that I'm finding consistency I think I need to find a focus...but I like my unfocus! ;)

    1. Thank you and yes - it's a great feeling! I've tried to do blogs with a very specific focus, niche blogs - I SUCK at it. My mind is just all over the place, no matter how organized I try to get it. The best I can do is be consistent about writing!

  2. I know what you mean. I am finding I am happier now that I write every day. Maybe I get some of the negative out, or maybe it's that I try to focus more on the positive.

    1. Or perhaps you're like me and you're able to figure out solutions to the negative in your life by writing everything out. It's sort of zen. Without actually trying to figure things out, they just kind of come together through a calming of the mind. When I think of focus, I think of straining, working at it. When I find answers through writing, it doesn't feel like I've over-extended myself. Although maybe it's like a runner's high. A writer's high.


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