Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 4: Sisyphus

Woo!  Just under the wire on this one...

I haven't been feeling the specific prompts listed on the BlogHer site for this month's NaBloPoMo, but there are some aspects of it that inspire me to write.

This month's theme is energy, as in what gives you energy or deprives you of it.  I was thinking about exhaustion, which I've been lucky enough in the past few months to avoid (unless I'm sick, then it's just good sense to sleep as much as possible).  Outside of fighting the occasional virus, the first thing that comes to mind is having my energy sapped by emotional situations.  Not carrying heavy boxes or bringing in a five-palette order at work, but essentially thinking myself into exhaustion because of other people's actions or lack thereof.  I have always loved troubleshooting, but when you have no objectivity (or not as much as you might require, without necessarily realizing it) it's more like slamming your head into a wall repeatedly.

The funny thing is that I will sometimes spend time dwelling on a problem without writing a single word down, when I know that the best way for me to work something out is to get it on paper.  It may seem strange to some, but there is something about spilling it out in ink that seems to help me find the resolve I need to move on.  I may not find the answer I'd hoped for, but I always find calm within myself.  If I can't fix the problem, I am at least resolved to try a different path or let the whole thing go.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
- Albert Einstein

So add another couple of goals to the list:  Make an effort to write every day - and not just on the blog, there has to be a first go at it where everything you write is crap.  It's the only way to get to the good stuff.  And I need to remember to write out whatever problems I'm having so I can get it all out, then go back later when I'm less emotional and look at all the pieces of the puzzle with new eyes.  These should be goals for pretty much the rest of my life.  If you don't do this already, I highly recommend it.


  1. Just found your blog via nablopomo. I spent some time wandering around. I like the way you have it set up. I have been thinking about rearranging my blog.

    1. Why, thank you. Blogger did all the heavy lifting on this one. I just tried to make it easy to navigate and nice to look at, using what they provided. Blogger may be more limited, but for a non-techie like me, it's been a good place to start.

      I just checked out - you have some really lovely pieces on there.

  2. I'm visiting from NaBloPoMo too! I like to "spill it out in ink" too. It helps to keep me on track. Problem is I tend to get too busy/distracted and don't keep up with it. I am hoping to stay on track this year. :)

    This was a very well written post that spoke to me. Thanks!

    1. You guys are making me appreciate BlogHer's community more and more! I hope we can help each other stay on track despite busyness and distractions! Thank you so much for stopping by.

  3. When I am really upset I have been known to mindlessly write on a piece of paper and once I fill the page I write over what I wrote until the page is an illegible mess. Then I tear it up. By then I am usually much calmer.

    1. That is quite brilliant! I like the idea of leaving no evidence behind, since it really is just about getting your mind clear.


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