Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 2: BlogHer and Porches, no, not that kind

It's after midnight!  It's officially Day 2!  I can take tomorrow off now!

Anyway, part of doing NaBloPoMo is supporting other bloggers who are attempting the same daily discipline.  I read a lot of posts tonight from various bloggers and was happy to have done so.  Especially because I came across a real gem of a blog:

Porch Philosophy (changed to Motherhood is Magic):  I don't have a boyfriend, much less a husband to get away from, but this post caught me from the first line and kept me till the end.  Sonja of Porch Philosophy has a style that I was drawn to - sassy, but honest and actually quite helpful to anyone who is in this kind of situation.  I am also a total sucker for the name of her blog.  Which is why I've eaten at The Front Porch Restaurant (North Carolina) and shopped at Porch Light (California).  What is it with me?  Is it because I have lacked a porch for so long?  Probably.  But I'm glad this fascination with the word "porch" has rewarded me in such a way.  Warning:  Do not say porch over and over again in your head or aloud.

Since I joined BlogHer, I have come across so many great bloggers and timely (for me) posts.  I'm pretty bad about keeping up with my Google Reader account, so stumbling onto something great seems to be the only way for me.  Which reminds me, I've sorely neglected my StumbleUpon account...
Speaking of things I wish I kept up with for my own enjoyment, I always love reading Sara Lynn Paige's posts and seeing her gorgeous photography.  Her Thank You 2012 post reminded me that it is better to be grateful for the experiences you've had than kick the prior year out the door while yelling obscenities at it (how very zen of her).  Beautiful people, beautiful photography and freaking adorable cattens.  Go see them all, right now.

And, I sometimes forget that I need to read The Bloggess to survive, so if I'm ever down in the dumps and you notice, just tell me to go read her blog.  I'll be just fine.  Seriously, I was feeling down a minute ago, then I read this post about astronomy (sort of) and I laughed out loud.  Sharing the insanity totally helps, you guys.
Instead of taking tomorrow off, I think I'm going to make an effort to catch up with all the blogs on my Reader account.  I love them all so much, I just can't give any of them up.


  1. Thanks for linking to my blog! I love The Bloggess too and I just started StumbleUpon a few weeks ago and love it. Also, I live in the DC Metro area as well... and I'm a transplant from California. We should follow each other on StumbleUpon -- I think I have like one follower so far. Ha. My username is MotherhoodMagic.


    1. Well, no wonder I like you so much. You should now have 2 followers on StumbleUpon (I am, predictably, Jess DC). Also, this rocks: http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/2LfZT8/terribleminds.com/ramble/2012/01/03/25-things-writers-should-stop-doing/. Thanks for liking it first.


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